D-Link on Tuesday extended its range of Cloud Cameras, adding the Wireless N H.264 Day/Night PT Network Camera (DCS-5020L) into …

What to do when you can’t boot from an external source
When you turn on a PC, you usually want and expect it to check the hard drive or SSD and, …

Backlash begins against Adobe’s subscription-only plan
A petition on Change.org demanding that Adobe back away from its subscription-only model for its creativity software, including PhotoShop, had …

PC makers see lower prices, less touch in Windows’ future
Change is in the air for Microsoft in response to ho-hum sales of Windows 8, and it sounds like PC makers …
Logicom Dubai becomes Jabra distributor
Audio solutions vendor Jabra announced on Wednesday that it had awarded Logicom Dubai a distribution agreement to cover all Middle …

Windows Blue preview due at end of June
Microsoft plans to release a preview version of Windows 8’s update, code-named Windows Blue, at the end of June, according …

One antivirus program is better than two
Running two antivirus programs simultaneously is a bit like mixing a fine, vintage Cabernet with breakfast cereal. Each is good …

MacBook Pro the most reliable Windows laptop, says report
Soluto’s PC troubleshooting Web service has saved many a forehead from banging against a desk. By scanning computers for installed …

Microsoft launches two-factor authentication for Microsoft Account
Following similar initiatives by Apple, Google and Facebook, Microsoft is enabling two-factor authentication for its Microsoft Account service, the log-on service for …

Microsoft discovers stealthy new Trojan
Microsoft has discovered an unusually stealthy Trojan capable of deleting the files it downloads in order to keep them away …