Google is teaming up with three major security companies to stop Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs) before they reach users’ devices …

Google is teaming up with three major security companies to stop Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs) before they reach users’ devices …
The impact of hacked SIM cards, one of the few stalwarts in the high-tech industry that has not seen a serious exploit, could be monumental.
The source code for the Carberp banking Trojan program is being offered for sale on the underground market at a very affordable price.
Android smartphones and tablets are under attack, and the most popular tools developed to protect them are easily circumvented, according …
The amount of cyber-criminal activity associated with the Zeus family of financial Trojan programs has increased during the past few …
Pirated software is costing industry in excess of $114 billion, according to a new IDC survey commissioned by Microsoft. Though …
Following on from last year’s Flashback Trojan incident, which saw 600,000 Mac users infected with malware through a Java loophole, …
Following Google’s recent upgrade of Chrome, a new wave of bogus updates has been set upon the Internet by cyber …