Facebook recently announced it has banned deepfakes from its social media platforms ahead of the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections. …

Facebook recently announced it has banned deepfakes from its social media platforms ahead of the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections. …
“After careful investigations, the United states is publicly attributing the massive WannaCry cyber-attack to North Korea,” said White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert.
Verizon Communications will report on law-enforcement requests for information on its customers that it received in 2013, following similar moves that major online companies have made, but rival AT&T has not.
The federal deficit – the amount by which the US government’s total budget outlay exceeds its total receipts for a fiscal year – is estimated at $680 billion for 2013.
Apple have revealed the amount of user information that governments have requested from the California giant, as it sought to set itself apart from Silicon Valley competitors whose businesses are built on amassing personal data.
A massive data centre being built by the National Security Agency in Utah has been plagued by “chronic electrical surges” that have destroyed equipment and delayed its opening for a year.
The US government demanded from email service provider Lavabit access to all user communications and a copy of the encryption keys used to secure web, instant message and email traffic for its investigation into several Lavabit user accounts, according to a post on the Facebook page of founder Ladar Levison.
Earlier this month, Lavabit and Silent Circle – two privacy-minded email providers – decided to shut up shop rather than give the US government the chance to access their customer data.
Sprint Nextel has vowed to fight AT&T’s proposed US$39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile USA, calling the deal a bid to …
The White House is proposing a big increase in cybersecurity research and development in next year’s budget to improve, in …