Twitter has recently revised its strategy for fighting abusive internet “trolls,” and will now use behavioural signals to identify harassers on the social network, according to Reuters.

Twitter has recently revised its strategy for fighting abusive internet “trolls,” and will now use behavioural signals to identify harassers on the social network, according to Reuters.
UAE-based classifieds portal has reportedly raised $13.6 million (AED 50 million) in investments.
Twitter Inc. has urged its more than 330 million users to change their passwords after a glitch caused some to …
Twitter has reportedly released a new feature that highlights links to news stories that are tweeted by you follow right in your Home timeline.
“You’re only shooting yourself in the foot when you cater to the geopolitical noise and start refusing to promote material on false pretences – contrary to the interests of your own business,” says Eugene Kaspersky in his letter.
Several Silicon Valley leaders have called for increased gun control in the United States after a woman at the YouTube headquarters in California shot and wounded three people before taking her own life.
Following Twitter’s announcement of banning cryptocurrency ads, Bitcoin prices lingered around the $8000 mark, according to a report in Bloomberg. …
Twitter Inc will begin to ban cryptocurrency advertising from Tuesday, joining Facebook and Google in a crackdown that aims to …
#WeTweetForHer is the Sawab Centre’s twenty-sixth social media campaign either to directly counter terrorist messages or present positive alternatives to their violent and divisive ideologies.
The videos illustrate and highlight the harmful and unethical nature of sharing pictures and videos of negative situations such as accidents, bullying, pranks, and other ill-fated incidents on social media.