The partnership will enable interTouch to deliver “reliable and secure” connectivity and managed network solutions for the hospitality industry in Oman.

The partnership will enable interTouch to deliver “reliable and secure” connectivity and managed network solutions for the hospitality industry in Oman.
The ‘Omani Currency Reader’ uses the phone camera to read and analyse the currency note held in front of it in real time.
The “smart system” helps drivers detect any irregularities in the driving activity of surrounding vehicles through high-communication protocol, Zigbee.
Zain is leveraging Cisco advanced segment routing platforms to bring the benefits of distributed intelligence and centralised control to its network.
The cohort teams presented their final work to Emirates Group, GE, and Etisalat Digital management teams and the wider investor community, taking their ideas from concept to tangible business solutions.
The 37-page document of allegations is being used as evidence in the $1.9 billion legal battle between Uber and Google’s driverless car venture, Waymo.
The IDC research found that 50 percent of business and IT leaders in India consider IoT imperative to stay ‘digitally fit.’
The UberX service, which began in April as a three-month pilot observed by the Roads and Transport Authority, continues to be available in Dubai.
The campaign aims to educate customers – in particular the youth – on how to stay aware of deceptive and fraudulent activities on smart devices.
The new online ecosystem provides visitors from the UAE and Saudi Arabia with exclusive information and benefits on the Vive platform.