ServiceNow Introduces New Integrated ESG Solution to Help Companies Drive Greater Environmental, Social, and Business Impact.

ServiceNow Introduces New Integrated ESG Solution to Help Companies Drive Greater Environmental, Social, and Business Impact.
Swace, a new social media platform, engages users in offline socialisation through social gaming requiring physical collaboration and in turn …
Where do Apps come from and when did we stop to call them “programmes”? Does your business really need to develop one?
Facebook took second place, as expected, with 35 percent adoption from small businesses. Surprisingly, LinkedIn was close behind, with 33 percent adoption.
Can you maintain cost leadership, service levels, solution quality, and deliver projects flexibly and to schedule? You’re worth your weight in gold, no doubt.
If 3,370,780 UAE residents use Facebook, and 80 percent of those replicate their passwords for other accounts, then the opportunity for cyber theft and hackers to infiltrate personal accounts is extremely high.
Does the business truly understand the complications of balancing new trends with less glamorous legacy applications? Joe Lipscombe investigates the balancing act.
Google today launched Street View Special Collect for the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, marking the first skyscraper to join the collection as well as the first time the technology has been deployed in the Arab world.
Social media can make financial institutions seem less dull and better engage customers, according to officials on a panel at the AB+F Retail Financial Services Forum.
Microsoft has announced an update to its Office Web apps, focusing on collaboration between co-workers, as well as bringing new features over from its Office software package.