The impact of hacked SIM cards, one of the few stalwarts in the high-tech industry that has not seen a serious exploit, could be monumental.

The impact of hacked SIM cards, one of the few stalwarts in the high-tech industry that has not seen a serious exploit, could be monumental.
Millions of mobile phones may be vulnerable to spying due to the use of outdated, 1970s-era cryptography, according to new research due to be presented at the Black Hat security conference.
The number of mobile malware apps has jumped 614 percent in the last year, according to studies conducted by McAfee and Juniper Networks.
The European Commission has introduced new caps on mobile data roaming charges, making it cheaper to use maps, watch videos, check emails and update social networks while travelling in the EU.
Over three quarters of Android threats are malicious apps that send SMS messages to premium rate numbers and could be mitigated by a protection feature present in Android 4.2, according to researchers from networking vendor Juniper Networks.
Twitter’s SMS-based, two-factor authentication feature could be abused to lock users who don’t have it enabled out of their accounts …
Etisalat on Monday reaffirmed its commitment to the UAE’s SME sector with the announcement of revamped business packages for mobile. …
Despite what he sees as shortcomings of Microsoft’s real-time communications platform, Lync, businesses will see value to some of its …
Apple this week followed the lead of rivals like Facebook, Google and Microsoft, offering two-step authentication to help customers secure …
The news that Web services giant Baidu will bring its mobile browser to Africa, in a deal struck with France …