The upshot is that, if you want something a little more capable than your smartphone camera, and you don’t want to pay much for it, you won’t go wrong with the WB250F. to buy Clipboard, shutting down service is to acquire Clipboard, a Web clipping and sharing service, and is closing down the service. Clipboard decided to …

EMC adds new features to its sync and sharing solution
EMC today announced increased storage flexibility and control for its Syncplicity enterprise file sync and sharing solution. Available in second …

Cybersecurity order signed by Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed an executive order, which will require federal agencies to share cyberthreat information with …

Kim Dotcom talks Mega
Kim Dotcom hit headlines last year when his Auckland mansion was raided by police and his business, the much-loved Megaupload, …

EMC kicks off Momentum with major product releases
EMC kicked off the Momentum 2012 conference in Vienna this morning by announcing a series of major product releases which …