Ukraine has reportedly said that it found proof that Russian security services were involved in the cyber-attack that targeted businesses around the world earlier this week.
Trend Micro instrumental in Scan4You conviction
Trend Micro has announced details of its close cooperation with the FBI to identify, arrest and bring to trial the individuals linked to the infamous Counter Antivirus (CAV) service Scan4You.0 3880Gemalto launches new platform to tackle online banking fraud
Gemalto has announced the launch of Gemalto Assurance Hub, a new approach to fraud prevention for online banking.
The ‘Who’ and the ‘Why’ behind NotPetya
Late on 27 June, the New York Times reported that a number of Ukrainian banks and Ukrenergo, the Ukrainian state …
FireEye: Petya is spreading via EternalBlue exploit
According to reports, this variant of the Petya ransomware may be spreading via the EternalBlue exploit used in the WannaCry attack from last month.
Cybersecurity stocks rally
Cybersecurity stocks are soaring as a vicious new form of malware has left thousands of computers grounded, according a CNBC …
Apple strengthens security partnership with Cisco
Apple has announced a collaboration with Cisco Systems to help businesses that primarily use products from both companies get a discount on cybersecurity insurance premiums.
TRA: UAE unaffected by Petya virus
The TRA Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) announced that there hasn’t been any reported cases of breach by this virus in the UAE.
Petya a wiper, not ransomware, report says
The NotPetya ransomware that encrypted and locked thousands of computers across the globe yesterday and today is, in reality, a …
Vaccine found for Petya outbreak
Cybereason security researcher Amit Serper has found a way to prevent the Petya ransomware from infecting computers, according to Bleeping …
Anatomy of an attack
The latest ransomware, a variant of the Petya family which was first discovered in 2016, struck corporate networks across the …