Rahul Bhageeradhan, Global Director – Digital Architecture at Kissflow, has penned an exclusive which examines how the combination of no-code …

Rahul Bhageeradhan, Global Director – Digital Architecture at Kissflow, has penned an exclusive which examines how the combination of no-code …
Fun education: Kaspersky launch resources to further teach children about internet safety.
There’s a good chance a few zombie phones are feasting on your mobility budget, and you don’t even know it. They’re draining dollars and making you look foolish. It’s time for a zombie kill of the week.
High-growth countries are usually exhibited by a low per capita income. The upside, though, is that such countries, usually emerging countries, are able to do more with fewer resources.
Amazon Web Services Wednesday dropped the price of its dedicated instances, which are virtual machines allocated to individual customers and that do not run on shared hardware.
The Middle East is a strong growth market with a knack to leap-frogging technology and delivering impressive implementations. CIOs have been deploying solutions and applications which are keeping the region relevant, and though most global brands have a presence here, the landscape owes much to locality.
Henrik Pederson, Senior Technical Account Manager, CommVault Systems, explains how an integrated data management strategy can help to manage big …