Egypt continues to face a growing threat from cyber-attacks with malware detections in Q1 of 2018 reaching 253,995, the second highest figure in the North African region.

Egypt continues to face a growing threat from cyber-attacks with malware detections in Q1 of 2018 reaching 253,995, the second highest figure in the North African region.
IT managers lack visibility to about 45 percent of their organisation’s network traffic, creating significant security challenges. In fact, nearly a quarter of them are blind to as much as 70 percent of their network traffic.
Saudi Arabia’s education sector was most affected by malware, followed by government, and telecommunications during 2017, according to a study.
ESET has launched ESET Smart TV Security, an advanced technology protection solution against targeted malware attacks on connected TVs and …
IT security jobs become more and more lucrative by the day. The demand is constantly growing because the global interconnectivity …
A total of 34 cyberattacks against government and private sector entities in the UAE were foiled by the Telecommunications Regulations …
Hackers stole AED 3.86 billion from 3.72 million consumers in the UAE last year, according to the 2017 Norton Cyber …
Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated and collaborative with every coming year. As with previous years, 2017 saw no shortage of …
Harish Chib, vice president, Middle East and Africa, Sophos, reviews the most prominent risks from 2017, and what we can expect in 2018.
The last 12 months have been action-packed in the world cybersecurity. Ted Julian, VP Product Management and Co-Founder of Resilient, IBM, shares cybersecurity predictions for 2018.