McAfee Sees COVID-19 Themed Threats and Powershell Malware Continue to Surge.

McAfee Sees COVID-19 Themed Threats and Powershell Malware Continue to Surge.
In-person GISEC 2021 to spark industry collaboration against cybercrime spike. Dubai World Trade Centre will host GISEC from 31st May-2nd June.
Cisco has conducted research to discover the top malware threats across industries in 2020 with in its new “DNS Security” report. It follows extensive analysis of malicious DNS activity and threats from January to December last year.
Over half of ransomware victims pay the ransom in the UAE, but only 15% see their full data returned.
According to Kaspersky researchers, another targeted threat to watch out for is corporate doxing, the process of gathering confidential information about an organisation and its employees without their agreement, to harm them or profit from it. Proliferation of publically available information, data leaks and advancement of technology are leading to a state in which tricking employees into giving out confidential information or even transferring funds is becoming easier than ever before.
CyberKnight Launches Ransomware Solution Stack to Help Middle East Organisations Enhance Cyber Resilience.
Over 102 Million Healthcare Records Exposed By Cyberattacks In 2020. Ransomware is the root cause in a majority of the healthcare breaches analysed.
Veeam Releases New V11 with 200+ Enhancements, Eliminating Ransomware and Data Loss while Providing a Single Platform for Modern Data Protection.
Nutanix Extends Ransomware Protections to Help Secure Customers’ IT Environments. Hybrid and multi-cloud leader strengthens networking, storage and virtualisation services.
Proofpoint’s State of the Phish Report Reveals Ransomware and Phishing Attack Trends; Underscores Need for Tailored Security Awareness Training, Particularly for Remote Workers.