Trade-ins of old iPad models have increased 500 percent since Apple announced its iPad 4 and iPad mini. The data comes from gadget recycling website …

Trade-ins of old iPad models have increased 500 percent since Apple announced its iPad 4 and iPad mini. The data comes from gadget recycling website …
The iPad mini is a slimmed-down version of Apple’s popular tablet, so in a way, it’s fitting that Friday’s release …
In its the third quarter earnings call Apple yesterday revealed that twice as many iPads as Macs were sold for …
Apple’s third-generation iPad has become the second most widely used iPad, overtaking Apple’s original tablet after just two months after …
Apple’s new iPad model which went on sale last month, providing at least a couple weeks of sales before the …
Everybody’s raved about the new iPad’s display and gauged its graphics prowess in benchmark testing. But it’s not the only iPad in …
Apple reacted to reports that the new iPad under-reports its battery status, saying a researcher’s analysis was essentially correct but …
Apple is shortchanging new iPad owners on battery power, an analyst said today. “If you stop charging the iPad when …
Apple yesterday denied any overheating concerns on the new iPad, saying that the product operates well within its thermal specifications. …
The latest release of Apple’s pervasive iPad tablet, simply called ‘The New iPad’, has benefited from some technical upgrades that …