Gulf Air shunned the expensive solutions of the big vendors jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, and became the first Middle East organisation to implement the technology by embracing open-source software with an in-house team.

Gulf Air shunned the expensive solutions of the big vendors jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, and became the first Middle East organisation to implement the technology by embracing open-source software with an in-house team.
US cloud providers could miss out on billions of euros of business from European customers due to data privacy fears around the Prism surveillance programme, the European Commission has claimed.
Oracle has quietly cut the list price of its flagship BI (business intelligence) Foundation Suite significantly, possibly in response to increased market competition.
Microsoft’s former head of Windows 8 development has agreed not to badmouth Microsoft or work for some of its competitors and in return will receive a pay-out for unvested stock.
Microsoft has updated the mobile version of its OneNote note-taking application for iPads, iPhones and Android devices, creating a consistent look for notes across all computers, smartphones and tablets in which they’re viewed.
Microsoft’s Windows 8 is now a more popular operating system than the reviled Windows Vista, eliminating a source of embarrassment as Microsoft’s latest OS slowly continues to gather steam.
Aside from the increased storage capacity, the 256GB Surface Pro mirrors the hardware of its siblings.
Businesses worldwide need to re-think their use of cloud computing, in light of recent revelations around the Prism and Tempora surveillance programmes, according to independent privacy advocate Caspar Bowden.
Malware modifies localised versions of social networks, banks and e-commerce sites when accessed from infected computers.
Oracle and NetSuite are to jointly offer cloud services to mid-size business customers.