Skype said its social media properties were targeted, with the Syrian Electronic Army appearing to claim credit for the hacks.

Skype said its social media properties were targeted, with the Syrian Electronic Army appearing to claim credit for the hacks.
He will be responsible for driving the company’s technology strategy with a focus on accelerating innovation, product development and R&D.
Verizon Communications will report on law-enforcement requests for information on its customers that it received in 2013, following similar moves that major online companies have made, but rival AT&T has not.
Oracle is set to acquire business-to-consumer marketing software vendor Responsys for US$1.5 billion in a bid to flesh out its own capabilities as well as strike back at rivals such as and Microsoft.
A blog post today by board member John Thompson says Microsoft’s search committee has boiled down the candidates from more than 100 to about 20, but that it needs more time to pick the winner.
For as much as Google is known for today, it’s easy to forget that it’s also the force behind a hefty number of research projects. Those projects have led to things like wearables and self-driving cars, but the latest news gives a clear idea of where it’s going next.
The French Senate has passed a law giving government officials warrantless access to live login and user location data from ISPs and websites, angering internet companies and human rights groups.
A fake antivirus programme in circulation uses at least a dozen stolen digital code-signing certificates, indicating cybercriminals are increasingly breaching the networks of software developers, Microsoft wrote on Sunday.
Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype is compatible with European Union competition law, the General Court of the E.U. ruled Wednesday.
IDC predicts key Asian cloud suppliers will pit against each other resulting in a new leadership structure within the IT industry.