Despite a major push by rival Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard has held onto its position as the top seller of PCs worldwide, according …

Despite a major push by rival Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard has held onto its position as the top seller of PCs worldwide, according …
Following a year of tribulations, HP finished 2012 on a high at its Discover 2012 conference in Frankfurt with what …
Generally, fixing any complex problem comes down to three steps: breaking the problem down into components, conducting triage and deciding …
The feud between Autonomy founder Mike Lynch and Hewlett-Packard’s leadership over alleged accounting fraud at the software vendor has intensified, …
Hewlett-Packard said in a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it had determined that its products were …
Research group IDC has said that following HP’s £5.5 billion writedown of Autonomy, its customers should seek ‘formal assurances’ about …
Hewlett-Packard’s bombshell revelation that it would take a US$8.8 billion non-cash writedown after allegedly discovering major accounting fraud related to its Autonomy …
While it continues to wrestle with an accounting scandal at its Autonomy business unit, Hewlett-Packard has revealed it may use …
HP CEO Meg Whitman has come forward to reassure customers that the future of its Autonomy product line is safe, …
HP held its financial analyst meeting this week in San Francisco, opening with the two most important folks in any …