With the major developers of banking malware laying low, a new crook on the block has emerged gunning to be top dog in the market.
Trend Micro instrumental in Scan4You conviction
Trend Micro has announced details of its close cooperation with the FBI to identify, arrest and bring to trial the individuals linked to the infamous Counter Antivirus (CAV) service Scan4You.0 3924Compromised websites at hosting companies more than doubling daily from a year ago, report finds
Cyber-criminals are compromising websites at hosting companies at an ever-furious rate.
Android spyware infections on the rise, report says
An increasing number of Android phones are infected with mobile malware programs that are able to turn the handsets into spying devices.
SIM card hack has severe implications for business
The impact of hacked SIM cards, one of the few stalwarts in the high-tech industry that has not seen a serious exploit, could be monumental.
SIM cards vulnerable to hacking, says researcher
Millions of mobile phones may be vulnerable to spying due to the use of outdated, 1970s-era cryptography, according to new research due to be presented at the Black Hat security conference.
Apple browsers targeted by simple JavaScript ransom scam
Ransom attackers have finally made the jump from Windows to the Mac with news of a stunningly simple hack that tries to trick browser users into paying a $300 (£200) fine using a simple JavaScript routine.
Most BYOD businesses exposing data to cyber criminals
New research has shown that the vast majority of businesses are exposing sensitive corporate data to cyber-criminals by failing to implement effective BYOD strategies.
Signed Macintosh malware uses right-to-left override
Researchers at F-Secure have discovered malware targeting OS X, which leverages a technique called right-to-left override (RLO) in order to spoof its malicious nature.
Unusual file-infecting malware steals FTP credentials, researchers say
A new version of a file-infecting malware program that’s being distributed through drive-by download attacks is also capable of stealing FTP (File Transfer Protocol) credentials.
Shadowlock ransom Trojan demands victims fill in survey for unlock key
Symantec has discovered a bizarre ransom Trojan that eschews the usual demand for payment in favour of asking its victims to fill in an online survey to get an unlock code.