Kaspersky – Cybercriminals empty fans’ wallets ahead of new series release “The Last of Us”

Kaspersky – Cybercriminals empty fans’ wallets ahead of new series release “The Last of Us”
New spam campaign on a popular social media network steals users’ cryptocurrency.
Kaspersky: what cyber confrontation looked like in 2022.
Researchers from Kaspersky have discovered a new spam campaign that targets users’ cryptocurrency and spreads via direct messages on Twitter. …
‘Metaoffice’: ensuring the future of corporate environment with digital safety and inclusion.
Cybercriminals will try to reach out to their victims using every way possible – through unlicensed software, phishing websites or emails, breaches in the business’s security network or even via massive DDoS attacks.
The final few working days before the holidays are the ideal time to complete all pressing chores, reflect on the …
Kaspersky – Cybercriminals attack users with 400,000 new malicious files daily.
Internet balkanization, metaverse, security insurance: Kaspersky shares privacy predictions for 2023.
Kaspersky – Employees in the UAE believe robots are prone to cyberattacks, but trust them to control city transport & logistics.