Swiss structured cabling specialist R&M has warned Middle East organisations against premature investments as long as standards are not defined and components are not fully developed.

Swiss structured cabling specialist R&M has warned Middle East organisations against premature investments as long as standards are not defined and components are not fully developed.
R&M on Sunday announced that it had upgraded its entire range of fibre optic cables for data centres to bend-insensitive multimode fibre (BIMMF) standards.
R&M recently claimed that it has significantly reduced its ecological footprint over the past year, citing a new CSR report …
R&M on Sunday announced double-digit growth in the Middle East over the past 12 months, stating that it now intends …
In a strategic move to significantly boost the speed of its cabling solutions delivery capabilities in the Middle East and …
Martin Reichle, owner and executive board member of Reichle and De-Massari (R&M) is set to make a four day business …
Reichle and De-Massari (R&M), the Swiss structured cabling specialist, recently announced the introduction of a new partnership program in Egypt …