Protecting yourself online may seem impossible, but following simple guidelines like enabling stronger and using strong passwords are key to online safety.
Protecting yourself online may seem impossible, but following simple guidelines like enabling stronger and using strong passwords are key to online safety.
Netsafe, a New Zealand-based non-profit online safety group, has recently introduced an AI email bot, that will annoy phishing scammers away.
Fortinet has unveiled predictions from the Fortinet FortiGuard Labs global research team about the threat landscape for 2018.
The SelfServ 80 series delivers the omni-channel experience whilst ensuring reliable and secure access to cash for consumers.
Jerry Kennelly, CEO of Riverbed, describes the functionality and benefits of the latest networking technology, SD-WAN, which uses policy-based rules to orchestrate applications routing in the cloud.
The two foundations also announced the MiSK Grand Challenges, which aims offer up to $10 million to fund ideas and projects that can “positively transform” the world.
The country’s Prime Minister Theresa May recently announced that government will be doubling visas available for global talent in areas like digital technology and science to 2,000 to help retain an edge after Brexit.
The value of endpoint protection platforms is that they can identify specific attacks and speed the response to them once they are detected.
As AI tech transform modern IT systems, how can organisations leverage them to build better defences and stay on top of cybersecurity incidents?
RSA Conference, in conjunction with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), has successfully concluded this year’s Conference with over 1100 attendees from around the world.