India’s top court has asked WhatsApp to respond to a petition that alleges it breaches certain Indian regulations, Reuters reported.
Cisco executive outlines Top 5 tips for mitigating the threat of device sharing
Martin Lee, EMEA Lead for Cisco Talos, outlines his 5 top tips to mitigate the ongoing threat of device sharing, … 0 717Dubai’s DFSA inks FinTech deal with Singapore authority
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have recently entered into an agreement that provides a framework for cooperation and referrals between the innovation teams of each authority.
Saudi Arabia’s $500B mega city appoints tourism head
Saudi Arabia’s NEOM project has appointed on Aradhana Khowala as the mega city’s managing director of Tourism.
In pictures: Jaguar E-type Zero electric car
Following an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the original concept for ‘the most beautiful electric car in the world’, Jaguar Classic has confirmed it will offer all-electric E-types for sale.
Channel Speak survey: deadline extended
The deadline for Channel Speak survey has been extended to 6th September. Hurry and participate now to help make a …
Legacy email security systems aren’t doing a good job, says Mimecast
Impersonation attacks have increased by 80 percent globally, according to Mimecast’s Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA),
Facebook wants you to make friends with strangers
Facebook is reportedly testing a new feature called ‘things in common,’ which lets users connect with strangers.
Brick-and-mortar stores can thrive in the digital era: study
While the global e-commerce market continues to grow, today’s consumers still like to visit brick-and-mortar stores regularly and retailers must rethink their business model in order to stay ahead of the curve.
Unlocking the full potential of the digital workplace
Technology has innumerable benefits for business. The explosive growth of devices, applications and networks have not only changed our personal lives, but our working lives too.
Google’s YouTube to add more non-skippable ads
Google-owned Youtube is reportedly expanding the concept of non-skippable advertisements on its platform for the creators to monetise their content and earn more revenue.