The Anonymous hacking group cost PayPal £3.5 million when it carried out an attack on its websites, it was alleged in court this week. …
Despite mobile hype, PCs and email still dominate: research
While there is a lot of talk about mobile computing, there is a significant difference to the way people are …
Skype says scam calls on a steady decline
Skype has been battling wily adversaries who are abusing the Internet calling application to direct people to scam websites, but …
Mozilla suspends work on 64-bit Firefox for Windows
Mozilla this week suspended development of a 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows, citing add-on incompatibilities and low priority for …
IDC: HP customers should demand assurances over Autonomy’s future
Research group IDC has said that following HP’s £5.5 billion writedown of Autonomy, its customers should seek ‘formal assurances’ about …
NEC developing ‘suitcase-sized’ DNA analyser
NEC is working on a suitcase-sized DNA analyser, which it says will be able to process samples at the scene …
Facebook to revoke users’ right to vote on policy changes
Facebook users will no longer be allowed to vote on proposed policy changes at the company because their comments weren’t …
Symantec spots odd malware targeting Iran
Symantec has spotted another odd piece of malware that appears to be targeting Iran and is designed to meddle with …
Gartner defends Autonomy after HP fraud allegations
Gartner and Deloitte have both come out in defence of Autonomy following fraud allegations put to the US Securities and …
Cyber criminals increasingly abusing .eu domains
Cyber criminals are increasingly using .eu domain names in their attack campaigns, according to data from multiple security companies. “Numerous …