Abu Dhabi Police has reportedly processed 4,462,784 digital transactions last year, enabling the entity to save up to $353 million (AED1.3 billion) and 9.5 million client visits.
Google cleans up the Play Store
Earlier this month, Google removed some 60 games from the Play Store after it was uncovered that a malware that was delivering inappropriate and malicious ads to kids. 0 2280TCL Communication unveils BlackBerry KEYone in the UAE
TCL Communication, a global smartphone manufacturer, has launched the new BlackBerry KEYone in the UAE, which is available from today at …
Fake AdBlock Plus app removed from Google’s Play store
Google has removed an application from its Play store that purported to be AdBlock Plus, a well-known application that blocks online ads.
Google: Critical Android security flaw won't harm most users
A security flaw could affect 99 percent of Android devices, a researcher claims, but the reality is that most Android users have very little to worry about.
Android malware devlopment now mimics commercial software, claims Juniper
The creation of Android malware is now mature enough for there to be development cycles that mimic those of the legitimate software world, a report from Juniper Networks has concluded.
Microsoft can ‘print money’ with Office for mobile
Microsoft will reap enormous revenue when it introduces mobile versions of its Office productivity suite for iOS and Android, an …
Adobe announces end of Flash Player for Android
Adobe has announced that from 15 August it will no longer install Flash on Android mobile devices via the Google …