The digital content discovery platform was recognised as the fastest growing media publisher globally, broke monthly active user records, and overcame pandemic-related difficulties.

The digital content discovery platform was recognised as the fastest growing media publisher globally, broke monthly active user records, and overcame pandemic-related difficulties.
You can keep your Google Drive files private, or you can use it as one huge file sharing network. Many …
As we’ve become a more mobile society—working from virtually anywhere on our smartphones and tablets—we’ve also embraced various cloud storage …
While the world’s online sharing community is excited about Kim Dotcom’s bold new venture, the file-storage and sharing service Mega, …
Kim Dotcom hit headlines last year when his Auckland mansion was raided by police and his business, the much-loved Megaupload, …
Built on technology from EMC’s acquisition of Syncplicity last May and its EMC Isilon scale-out NAS, the idea is to provide a …
Users can now share files from their Google Drive storage account on their Google+ social networking profile, a capability that …