“The attack was widespread and cost billions, and North Korea is directly responsible,” wrote Homeland Security adviser to President Donald Trump Tom Bossert.
US firms “now see the need for the GDPR”: EU commissioner
New European Union data protection laws take effect on May 25 to protect users' online information, in what Brussels touts as a global benchmark after the Facebook scandal, AFP reported. 0 2560Dubai Electronic Security Centre develops Dubai IoT security standard
The Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) presented the Dubai IoT security standard to representatives from government and semi-government entities in …
Thales to buy Gemalto for $5.42 billion
Thales, whose products range from aerospace to defence, security and transportation, agreed to combine its digital businesses with Gemalto in …
GDPR: Costly restriction or new business opportunity?
The Middle East’s lack of understanding of the upcoming EU regulation is likely to place businesses across a wide range of sectors including cloud services, banking and finance, healthcare, insurance and tourism at significant risk.
Trend Micro: 2018 cyber-attacks will rely on vulnerabilities
Trend Micro, a global player in cybersecurity solutions, predicts the trend of known vulnerabilities being used in major attacks will …
Facebook speeds up removal of terror-related content with AI tech
According to Facebook, this is primarily done through the use of automated systems like photo and video matching and text-based machine learning.
Canadian citizen charged in Yahoo breach to ‘plead guilty’: reports
A Canadian citizen accused by the US government of helping Russian intelligence agents break into email accounts as part of a massive 2014 breach of Yahoo accounts is expected to plead guilty, according to reports.
Securing the new: Micro Focus on delivering intelligent approaches to security
Gonzalo Usandizaga, VP and GM of emerging markets and Neeti Rodrigues, regional director of enterprise security products, explain why the company’s open and intelligent approach to ‘securing the new’ resonates well with the regional security buyers.
The cat and mouse game: AI and machine learning’s role in cybersecurity
As the world swoons over the promise and practice of AI and machine learning, the world of cybersecurity sees both the hero and the villain take part in the game.
Cybercriminals target cryptocurrency, says report
Group-IB, which specialises in preventing and investigating high-tech crimes and online fraud, recently announced the key findings from its annual ‘Hi-Tech Crime Trends 2017’ report.