It has launched a flagship company website along with other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

It has launched a flagship company website along with other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Facebook has been accused of intercepting private messages of its users to provide data to marketers, according to a class-action lawsuit filed in a federal court in California.
Skype said its social media properties were targeted, with the Syrian Electronic Army appearing to claim credit for the hacks.
The French Senate has passed a law giving government officials warrantless access to live login and user location data from ISPs and websites, angering internet companies and human rights groups.
Critics of the U.S. National Security Agency’s bulk collection of U.S. residents’ telephone records should offer a better way to track terrorists and protect the country against attacks, the agency’s director said Wednesday.
Eight top tech companies in the U.S. have asked governments around the world to reform surveillance laws and practices, and asked the U.S. to take the lead.
Two million logins and passwords from services such as Facebook, Google and Twitter have been found on a Netherlands-based server, part of a large botnet using controller software nicknamed “Pony.”
China is moving to further tighten its grip over social networking services, citing possible threats to national stability.
Facebook and Microsoft are winning plaudits from security researchers for launching an initiative to offer bounties to bug hunters who discover and report vulnerabilities in widely used products.
Spear phishing is one of the most effective ways to break into a corporate network – and recent studies show that employees can be easily tricked on social media to provide the information needed to launch attacks.