The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has charged four people, including two Russian state intelligence agents, for their involvement in a massive hack of Yahoo that affected half a billion accounts.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has charged four people, including two Russian state intelligence agents, for their involvement in a massive hack of Yahoo that affected half a billion accounts.
State sponsored malware is becoming increasingly sophisticated according to a report released by security vendor, Kaspersky Labs. According to a company statement, this new trend was confirmed during analysis of the EquationDrug cyber-espionage platform, the main espionage platform developed by the Equation Group.
A Home Affairs Select Committee has stated that the UK is losing the war on online criminal activity and that the government is too complacent in targeting cyber criminals.
An increasing number of Android phones are infected with mobile malware programs that are able to turn the handsets into spying devices.
A noisy malware campaign against South Korea is revealing deeper secrets.
Revelations over the U.S. National Security Agency’s Prism surveillance programme have much of the general public in uproar, but in terms of the controversy’s impact to enterprise IT, some CIOs have measured, albeit watchful reactions.
According to a new data breach report from Verizon, authentication attacks and “hacktivism” will continue to pose a threat to …