EastNets has announced the appointment of Luay Gadallah as the company’s new chief technology officer.

EastNets has announced the appointment of Luay Gadallah as the company’s new chief technology officer.
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) has announced that it will provide internships for 30 Emirati university and high school students this summer, giving them valuable work experience to enhance their career prospects.
Airbus and the Al Bayt Mitwahid Association have handpicked 18 Emirati students to travel to Hamburg, Germany as part of the Future Scientists 2018 initiative.
Emirates Global Aluminium has announced that its hands-on STEM learning programme ‘Engineer the Future’ reached 8,000 high school students during the 2017-2018 academic year.
UAE students who dream of traveling to space, engineering rockets, or delving into the depths of designing a mission to Mars will be able to attend the summer camp led by NASA experts.
The UAE Space Agency and the South African National Space Agency, SANSA, signed MoU for cooperation between them in the areas of peaceful exploration of the outer space.
China has launched a satellite that will serve as the communications relay for a future probe on the the invisible side of the moon. The satellite is equipped with a payload for a space sensory system developed by Saudi engineers and researchers for filming and taking photos of the moon.
Saudi Arabian Engineering students will have the opportunity to take part in a new internship programme unveiled by Prince Mohammed bin Salman Foundation “Misk” and Virgin Hyperloop One.
KhalifaSat, the first satellite to be completely built by Emirati engineers, is set to be launched later this year following a series of rigorous tests.
Honeywell has announced that it has awarded scholarships to four students from the chemical engineering department of Cairo University, as …