Samsung Gulf Electronics has launched the Galaxy Tab S4, the new 2-in-1 Android tablet designed for people who want to do more on the go, in the UAE.
Telecom subscribers in UAE rise to 24 million: TRA
The number of subscribers to telecommunications services in the UAE, whether through mobile phones, landlines and the internet, rose to around 24 million during the first five months of 2018.1 6174Legacy email security systems aren’t doing a good job, says Mimecast
Impersonation attacks have increased by 80 percent globally, according to Mimecast’s Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA),
Amazon leads global public cloud race: Gartner
The worldwide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market grew 29.5 percent in 2017 to total $23.5 billion, up from $18.2 billion in 2016, according to Gartner, Inc.
Nokia secures $572 million for 5G development
Finnish telecom network equipment maker Nokia has secured a $572 million (EUR 500 million) loan from the European Investment Bank, Reuters reported.
Netflix eyes more local content with UAE dirham rates
In line with its mission to “deliver more local experiences,” video streaming service Netflix has reportedly made alterations to its UAE pricing.
Amazon’s smart home security firm signs retail deal in UAE
Smart home security firm Ring has announced that it is collaborating with Hitches and Glitches (H&G), a Dubai-based, technology-led home maintenance company, which is part of the Farnek Group.
UAE backs global blockchain summit
A delegation from the UAE will participate in the upcoming Locus Chain World Summit in Singapore, which aims to explore the scope of expanding ‘Locus Chain’ blockchain technology across all industries.
Facebook wants you to make friends with strangers
Facebook is reportedly testing a new feature called ‘things in common,’ which lets users connect with strangers.
G20 sets out to close gender divide in the digital era
World leaders underlined the need for greater female participation in the digital economy at the G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting in Salta, Argentina.
Brick-and-mortar stores can thrive in the digital era: study
While the global e-commerce market continues to grow, today’s consumers still like to visit brick-and-mortar stores regularly and retailers must rethink their business model in order to stay ahead of the curve.