du has announced that the inaugural Dubai Pulse customer, the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai, has successfully migrated all of their data centres and applications to the cloud-based platform.

du has announced that the inaugural Dubai Pulse customer, the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai, has successfully migrated all of their data centres and applications to the cloud-based platform.
Dimension Data and Cisco have announced a new co-innovation agreement, to develop a deeper collaboration environment and framework to jointly solve customers’ business needs.
Data manipulation attacks—attacks in which adversaries don’t take data but instead make subtle, stealthy tweaks to data usually to elicit some type of gain—can be just as, if not more crippling for organizations than theft.
Western Digital Corporation has expanded its portfolio of data storage devices in Saudi Arabia.
Over three quarters (88 percent) of UAE IT decision-makers will increase cloud spend in 2019, according to a new YouGov survey.
SAS has announced its partnership with NVIDIA to help businesses bring artificial intelligence (AI) into their organisations.
TahawulTech.com spoke with the UAE Ministry of Infrastructure Development’s director of IT Hessa Al Suwaidi, who outlined the organisation’s technology strategy for the coming years.
CNME hosted a roundtable in partnership with Epicor, which focused on the ways that manufacturing CIOs in the UAE can look to digitise and automate a range of their most critical processes.
As security increasingly becomes a boardroom issue, cyber risks should be a focal point in M&A talks. Industry experts share insights into why conducting a cybersecurity due diligence is necessary before signing on the dotted line.
Smart Dubai has announced the Dubai Data Private Sector Strategy and Policy aimed at fostering stronger collaboration between the public and private sectors and driving the emirate’s ambitions to become a paperless smart city.