Cyber espionage is nothing new. So a report from the Defense Security Service (DSS) about efforts in foreign countries to …
UAE urges students to become cyber ambassadors in new initiative
The "Cybersecurity" ambassador initiative was launched to build a secure e-culture as it is considered a competitive initiative to empower Emirati students as cybersecurity ambassadors.1 2912Android botnet abuses people’s phones for SMS spam
In a new twist, spammers have built a botnet that sends SMS spam through infected Android phones, shifting the potentially …
Anonymous affiliate indicted for threats, stolen credit cards
A federal grand jury in Texas has indicted Barrett Brown, a putative spokesman for the hacker collective known as Anonymous …
Lack of cloud protection opens door for botnet attacks, study says
Some cloud providers fail to detect and block malicious traffic originating from their networks, which provides cyber criminals with an …
Iran’s cyber attack claims lack details, experts say
Iran’s claim that its domestic Internet system suffered a slowdown from a heavy cyber attack is possible, but knowing for …
Cyber criminals plan attack on major U.S. banks
A cyber gang thought to be based in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union is recruiting dozens of people to participate …
Criminals hack Adobe certificate server
Criminals broke into an Adobe server and provided two pieces of malware with a digital certificate that attest to them …
Mobile apps are new cyber crime attack vector: RSA
Mobile apps have emerged as a new cyber crime attack vector for phishing and malware, says RSA, the security division …
'Hyperspeed signalling' could prevent cyber attacks, claim researchers
Security engineers at the University of Tulsa have found a way to identify cyber attacks before they reach their target, …
Russia cyber crime market doubles in 2011, says report
Russian-speaking criminals grabbed more than a third of the entire global cybercrime market in 2011 as a growth in online …