Apple fans have been craving some innovation for a while and the company seemed to deliver it Tuesday with the …
Apple fans have been craving some innovation for a while and the company seemed to deliver it Tuesday with the …
A U.S. appeals court upheld a district court decision that Google’s collection of data from unencrypted Wi-Fi networks under its Street View program is not exempt from federal wiretap laws.
Apple’s latest operating system iOS 7, due to be released Sept. 18, is already under the microscope of independent security …
After a summer of hard work, iOS 7 is almost ready for you to take home: Apple CEO Tim Cook announced at the company’s special Tuesday event that its newest mobile operating system would be available on September 18 for free.
For the first time since it redefined the smartphone market in 2007 with the launch of the iPhone, Apple will sell two distinctly different versions of the handset intended to attract consumers in different markets.
Apple will launch a completely new iPhone intended to expand its reach into new markets that can’t afford the existing iPhone.
China Mobile, the country’s largest mobile carrier, will release its first voice-over-LTE phones next year as part of its plan to bring a full range of handsets to its upcoming 4G network.
The NSA leaks by whistleblower Edward Snowden will go down in the history books as a heroic or reckless example of press freedom and the public’s right to know.
Apple just can’t keep a secret these days.
The BBC is planning to implement a new Newsroom Computer System, which will be delivered under a contract that could reach up to £104 million.