Dimension Data has announced that it is extending its portfolio of cloud-based Unified Communications (UC) services to include Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS).

Dimension Data has announced that it is extending its portfolio of cloud-based Unified Communications (UC) services to include Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS).
A recent global survey by Gartner finds 70 per cent of CIOs will change their technology and sourcing relationships in the next two to three years, as organisations struggle to adjust to a digital future.
Like her counterparts who have arrived at other older companies, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer prides herself on having pushed her team and the products they build into the world of mobile. For Yahoo the march to mobile always appeared to come begrudgingly over years of fits and starts.
Cloud computing was an estimated $47.4 billion industry in 2013 and is expected to more than double to $107 billion by 2017, research firm IDC predicts.
As enterprises move forward into the world of virtualisation, BYOD and cloud computing, the need for IT management services becomes more apparent. We spoke with Raj Sabhlok, President, ManageEngine, to discuss the role of IT management companies.
Google and Cisco are teaming up in the enterprise collaboration market, bundling WebEx with Chromebooks and integrating the Cisco Web conferencing and online meeting product with Google Apps.
Oracle’s third-quarter revenue rose 4 percent to US$9.3 billion while net income increased 2 percent to $2.6 billion, buoyed by growth in new software licenses and cloud subscriptions as well as a long-anticipated rise in hardware product revenue.
Etisalat has signed a Network Infrastructure Sharing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with seven of the largest mobile network groups operating in the Middle East and Africa.
Satya Nadella will hold his first press conference as Microsoft’s CEO next week, and reports are emerging that he’ll unveil a version of the Office suite for Apple’s iPad.
ManageEngine has announced that the standard edition of its flagship IT help desk software, ServiceDesk Plus, is now available for free — with …