The U.S. National Security Agency has had a secret foothold for years in North Korea’s networks and saw signs of the Sony Pictures Entertainment attack but only in retrospect grasped its reach and depth, The New York Times has reported.

The U.S. National Security Agency has had a secret foothold for years in North Korea’s networks and saw signs of the Sony Pictures Entertainment attack but only in retrospect grasped its reach and depth, The New York Times has reported.
Turkey’s government has threatened to block access to Twitter after the company failed to suspend the account of a newspaper who published details of a secret government investigation.
The U.S. and Great Britain are stepping up their collaboration to fight digital threats by planning to launch more attacks against each other to test their defences and deter potential enemies.
It has been 25 years since the potential market failure of a Microsoft operating system carried serious consequences outside the corporation’s own campus, but the release of Windows 10 could be pivotal for the company.
When Google said on Thursday it would end its Explorer program for Glass and stop selling the current version to consumers, a few premature obituaries were written for the head-worn device.
Starting today, Etisalat will offer its business mobile post-paid customers the opportunity to share a single data plan across multiple devices including smartphones, tablets and laptops.
Information and technology is a linchpin of any 21st century business; operations can grind to a halt without cutting-edge technology infrastructure and solutions. In a brand new edition to CNME, we sit down with non-CIO executives to see how their relationship with technology and the IT department affects their bottom line.
In an era that is overrun with iPhones, 4G and cloud computing, it’s easy to forget the relatively simplistic roots of technology. In a new addition to CNME, we trawl through the archives to find the best, baddest and ugliest innovations which continue to pull at the heartstrings today. To set the ball rolling, we take a look at the Commodore PET.
In a new addition to a revamped CNME, we talk to the region’s IT decision makers for their short takes on the issues that comprise their everyday ‘to do’ lists. We’re kicking off with the issue of mobility, posing the question: ‘What is your policy on BYOD?’
Intel topped analyst estimates for the fourth quarter, reporting records in virtually all of its meaningful metrics for the year as a whole.