Final call for Network nominations

The nominations deadline for CNME’s sixth annual Network World ME Awards is today; the final date for end-users and vendors to submit an application to be named part of the Middle East’s networking elite.

Lenovo ‘Superfish’ sabotages laptops

Lenovo has admitted it “messed up badly” by pre-loading software on some consumer laptops that exposed users to possible attack, and said it will soon release a tool to remove it.

IBM cloud chief keen on speed

IBM’s new man in charge of the cloud business is moving fast. “What I’m focusing on is speed,” said Robert LeBlanc, the new senior vice president for IBM Cloud. “Because the market continues to change, we have to get things to market quickly and then iterate.”

SAP releases cloud finance app

Hard on the heels of the recent announcement of its next-generation S/4Hana enterprise software platform, SAP on Wednesday unveiled a new software-as-a-service application aimed at finance professionals but delivering a consumer-like experience.

IBM System/360

Launched in 1964, IBM’s System/360 Mainframe computer transformed the company’s fortunes and hailed a new era of processing power.

IBM releases new software storage layer

IBM today unveiled IBM Spectrum Stibm software storageorage, a new storage software portfolio designed to address data storage inefficiencies by introducing a layer of software to traditional hardware.


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