Taking stock

As data is generated by the minute through various mediums, Reseller ME explores the channel’s role in optimising storage solutions.

In the virtual realm

Redington Value has been recently signed up by VMware to distribute its whole portfolio in MENA region, with a special focus on software-defined data centres. We speak to B. Ramkumar, Senior Vice President, Redington Gulf-Value Division, about the deal and further plans for 2014.

Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.

Startup offers hefty storage with pay-per-use pricing

The model of buying cloud computing resources is different from that of buying traditional hardware and software. Instead of buying licences and investing in equipment, in a cloud computing model, users pay for the resources they use – no more, no less.


This year, Cisco has adopted the principal theme of ‘Where Technology Means Business’, where we will discuss current ICT trends …


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