Testing transformation

The rise of as-a-service models will play a pivotal role in the digital transformations of organisations worldwide. With this in mind, CNME hosted an enthralling roundtable discussion in partnership with TransSys Solutions to gauge senior decision-maker sentiment on the topic.

Cloud care

On 28th March, representatives from Blue Coat Systems met with top CIOs of the region to discuss data protection, tokenisation and the cloud.

Mike Weston, Cisco

Cisco releases Global Cloud Index

The fifth annual Cisco Global Cloud Index (2014-2019), released recently, forecasts that Middle East and Africa cloud traffic will more than quadruple by the end of 2019.

Qualys unveils ThreatPROTECT

Built on the Qualys Cloud Platform, ThreatPROTECT correlates data from vulnerability scans and active threat data from multiple sources into a single dynamic dashboard to provide a holistic and contextual view of an organisation’s threat exposure.


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