Reap the benefits

Whilst launching Epicor’s new cloud-first strategy in the region, Sabby Gill, EVP, gave CNME an insight into how enterprises can hope to see the benefits of ERP applications moving from on premise to the cloud.

Intel snaps up Nervana

Intel is buying deep-learning start-up Nervana Systems, in a deal that could help it make up for lost ground in the increasingly hot area of artificial intelligence.

Google acquires Orbitera

Google has acquired Orbitera, a start-up that aims to make it easier for software vendors to sell cloud-based products to businesses.

Cisco unveils new data centre technology

Cisco has announced data centre technology innovations in three key areas: networking, hyperconverged infrastructure, and hybrid cloud orchestration, which aim to enable application-centric hybrid cloud deployments.

Microsoft phone sales plummet

Microsoft has reported the strong performance of its cloud offering last quarter, with revenue from its Azure services more than doubling from the same period last year.


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