The home-grown airline placed ahead of WhatsApp, which came second, and Google, which came third. Tech favourites Facebook (5), YouTube (6), Apple (7), Apple iPhone (8) and Samsung (9) all ranked in the top 10.
DISTREE ME calls for entries for the MERA Awards 2017
DISTREE Middle East invites retailers, distributors and vendors to enter the 2017 Middle East Retail Academy (MERA) Awards.0 2286Linksys introduces mesh Wi-Fi system Velop in Middle East
Linksys has introduced Velop, its premier Whole Home Wi-Fi product in the Middle East. Whole Wi-Fi Mesh systems will drive …
Savvy shopping
Shoppers at the global grocery chain Carrefour come in for the savings, and leave laden down with the week’s shop. What they don’t see are the piles of paperwork it takes to keep things running smoothly. The potential for data loss when working with a paper-based system was simply too high for Ihab Damouri, GM of HR , Carrefour Middle East, to abide. He turned to technology for a solution.
Computer Plaza participates in DSF
The Computer Plaza, also known as Al Ain Centre, in the heart of Dubai was once the only go-to destination for all IT products. Today, it competes with power retails, the likes of Carrefour, Jacky’s, Jumbo Electronics and so on. And it’s not an easy game, with power retails taking up most of the market share. This year, Computer Plaza is participating in Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF), an attempt to be at par with the big boys.
LG and AJM Kooheji launch pocket printer in Bahrain
LG Electronics and AJM Kooheji Group this week announced the launch of the PD221 Pocket Photo smart mobile printer at Carrefour, Bahrain.
DISTREE Middle East hosts over 2,000 meetings
Delegates at the ninth annual DISTREE Middle East, held for the first time in Abu Dhabi last week, participated in …