ICO Watchdogs Smart Contract Auditing Service Tokengrade, audits smart contracts to ensure it is line with a startups whitepaper, as well as auditing the quality and security of the smart contract itself.
Dubai scouts new innovations to transform hospitality industry
The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) along with a number of top industry partners has launched the second annual Futurism Challenge.
Blockchain tech can help combat terrorism, says experts
“Locus Chain technology can help countries fight terrorism and illegal migrants,” according to Locus Chain founder SeJung Kim.
Five tech trends that will blur the lines between human and machines
Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2018 revealed five distinct emerging technology trends that will blur the lines between humans and machines.
Bahrain gears up for blockchain-focused conference
Bahrain Technology Companies Society (BTECH) said it has completed preparations for the first edition of SmartSec Conference on information security and blockchain.
UAE accelerator programme attracts global innovators
Dubai Future Foundation (DFF) announced the closing of the 5th cohort of Dubai Future Accelerators programme, which received applications from start-ups and global companies from 74 countries around the world.
Dubai’s DFSA inks FinTech deal with Singapore authority
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have recently entered into an agreement that provides a framework for cooperation and referrals between the innovation teams of each authority.
Standard Chartered pilots world’s first blockchain-based trade finance guarantees
Standard Chartered to introduce industry-first end-to-end blockchain-based smart guarantees proposition in trade finance.
“World needs Blockchain reality check”: Tech expert
A key figure behind one of the Middle East’s shining Blockchain success stories has said that feverish excitement around the …
UAE backs global blockchain summit
A delegation from the UAE will participate in the upcoming Locus Chain World Summit in Singapore, which aims to explore the scope of expanding ‘Locus Chain’ blockchain technology across all industries.