Microsoft has launched Windows Phone 8, with the hope of reclaiming a portion of the fast-growing smartphone market. The tech …

Microsoft has launched Windows Phone 8, with the hope of reclaiming a portion of the fast-growing smartphone market. The tech …
Two of Apple’s top executives are leaving the company: Scott Forstall, who has overseen the iOS platform that runs the …
Apple has posted an apology on the Apple Website to Samsung, following its unsuccessful attempt to have Samsung devices removed …
Windows 8 is finally here and the stakes are sky high for Microsoft. “We’re so happy to be here today …
Apple sold 27 million iPhones and 14 million iPads in the last quarter of 2012, swelling its revenue by 27 …
Nokia has dropped off the list of the top five smartphone vendors in the third quarter, facing stiff competition from …
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Just six months after unveiling the third-generation iPad, Apple yesterday unveiled the long-rumoured iPad mini along with a fourth-generation of …
As Microsoft launches Windows 8, and with it, an attempt to stabilise a precipitous decline in its share of operating …
Oracle is augmenting its Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) to allow developers to create mobile applications for Apple and Android …