Apple is investigating ways to ditch Intel chips in future Macs and replace them with its own ARM chips like …

Apple is investigating ways to ditch Intel chips in future Macs and replace them with its own ARM chips like …
IT managers already know that smartphones and tablets are being purchased in vast numbers by workers, and Gartner added credence …
The iPhone’s share of global smartphone app downloads stood at 29 percent in the second quarter of 2012, significantly below …
It’s been two and a half years since Steve Jobs unveiled Apple’s idea of what a tablet should be — the …
Apple has seen its tablet market share decline during the third quarter of the year to Google Android rivals. The iPad maker has seen …
Samsung’s Galaxy S III smartphone hit the 30 million sales mark in its five months on the market, according to …
The iPad mini is a slimmed-down version of Apple’s popular tablet, so in a way, it’s fitting that Friday’s release …
Apple will sell 101.6 million iPads and 193.9 million iPhones in 2013, according to an analyst. In contrast to Apple, …
Despite distressingly poor sales to date, Windows Phone 8 is set to consolidate its place as the ‘third platform’ behind …
In what has been described as “the biggest management shakeup at Apple since the Steve Jobs putsch that eliminated Gil …