The partnership extends to UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are key growth markets for the company and enables Help AG to offer their market leading cyber security, digital and mobile forensics and e-discovery solutions to regional enterprises.

AccessData signs ARM as distributor
AccessData this week announced that it has signed a distribution agreement with ARM, which specialises in cyber-security and other consumer-related IT software products in region.
Giving back to the little guy
Advancements in cyber-crime has forced the industry to be more vigilant than ever. Though many organisations continue to bolster their security measures, many are still being breached effortlessly by anonymous hackers and cyber criminals.

A foundation stone of security
Companies and organisations should ensure that they have a full 360-degreee view of their data, says AccessData’s Paul Wright.

AccessData named HP AllianceOne Partner of the Year for security
AccessData was recently given the HP AllianceOne Partner of the Year Award in the security category at the HP Discover 2013 conference in Las Vegas.

Ticking time bomb
The last year has shown more than ever how careful businesses need to be with their data. However, recent reports …

BYOD: Keep your eyes on the enterprise
To protect your network and your data, you need complete and proactive enterprise visibility, says Paul Wright, Manager of Professional Services …

AccessData: Region not equipped for cybercrime
According to AccessData Group, the Middle East is fast becoming a prime target for cyber criminals, mostly because so many …
AccessData unveils new release of CIRT
Security vendor AccessData has launched version 2 of its CIRT (Cyber Intelligence and Response Technology) product, which is the only …

Zayed University and AccessData partner to promote cyber security
Zayed University and AccessData Group, which provides digital investigations and litigation support, have announced a joint collaboration in an effort …