The spectrum conundrum

The rapid growth in mobile broadband means operators need access to a sufficient amount of spectrum and the right bandwidth to achieve the required quality of service.

Ericsson: Networked Society to benefit major industries

The Networked Society is important in all aspects of life today, and especially going forth into the future. It is a starting point for innovation, socialisation and changing the way in which whole communities interact and live their lives.

ME trio join ‘Networked Society’ index

Ericsson has published the 2014 edition of its Networked Society City Index report, ranking Cairo as number 3 in terms of ICT maturity improvement from 2013 to 2014, and adding Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Muscat to its list.

Ericsson: 9 in 10 to have mobile phone by 2020

The latest edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report, an update on mobile trends leveraging Big Data from live networks worldwide, launches today and reveals that proliferation of mobile technology is continuing at a rapid pace.


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