Here are the top cybersecurity predictions for the Middle East in 2023, from email and collaboration security company, Mimecast.

Here are the top cybersecurity predictions for the Middle East in 2023, from email and collaboration security company, Mimecast.
With a significantly altered mobile ecosystem in 2020 and beyond, what’s in store for the GCC smartphone industry in 2023?
Leaders across all functions are paying attention to tech trends. In 2023, we can expect more of the same and there are some great opportunities ahead for those that make the right moves.
GoDaddy’s Small Business Survey Reveals the Majority of UAE Small Businesses are Optimistic About Growth in 2023.
2023 calls for a period when firms sharpen their attention on marketing and advertising trends to make an impression as consumers grow more cautious about which brands they spend their time on.
I’ve pulled together a list of the top ten areas I think IT leaders are likely to be drawn to – and that businesses need to prioritise – in 2023.
2023 Technology Predictions from Cloudflare.
Rising interest rates and the continuing shortage of skilled labour, combined with unresolved issues in the supply chain will impact everyone, but none more so than the underprepared.
Cybercriminals will try to reach out to their victims using every way possible – through unlicensed software, phishing websites or emails, breaches in the business’s security network or even via massive DDoS attacks.
Callsign predicts 2023 will be another year of rampant fraud.