Hurt by enterprises putting off PC purchases, Intel Corp. presented research purporting to show that large companies that buy new …

Hurt by enterprises putting off PC purchases, Intel Corp. presented research purporting to show that large companies that buy new …
A new series of Intel microprocessors aimed at the computer server market has caused a spike in demand for DDR3 …
With netbooks' surprise success, Intel Corp.'s Atom processor has become an unexpected money-maker during a down period, bringing in a …
A host of chip makers, including IBM, announced a partnership on Thursday to develop low-power chips for mobile devices, which …
Intel Corp.'s Larrabee graphics processor, which is expected to challenge Nvidia Corp. and ATI Corp. in the high-performance desktop and …
Intel's revenue from its line of low-end Atom microprocessors fell more during the first quarter than other products, according to …
Intel Corp. plans to make sure all of its popular Atom microprocessors support at least two versions of Microsoft Corp.'s …
Intel Corp. announced a new microprocessor code-named Jasper Forest aimed at storage products and embedded applications at the Intel Developer …
Intel Corp. plans to turn over to the Linux Foundation control of Moblin, the Linux operating system it developed for …
The success of Intel's Atom microprocessor, used mainly in netbooks, helped the chip maker gain market share in every quarter …
If you weren't expecting Intel Corp. to release its latest line of server and workstation chips on Monday, you may …
Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp.'s attempts to confine netbooks to the low end of the market to protect mainstream notebook …
Intel's upcoming Xeon server chips incorporate significant advancements that could form the basis for future chips that could handle high-performance …
Intel is expected to refresh its line of laptop chips Monday with new ultra-low-voltage processors that should make ultraportable laptops …
Nvidia Corp. countersued Intel Corp., accusing the rival chip company of breach of contract related to a chip licensing agreement …
Intel's upcoming Xeon server chips incorporate significant advancements that could form the basis for future chips that could handle high-performance …
Lenovo became the second major PC maker to announce workstations based on Intel's upcoming quad-core Nehalem chips, which are due …
Intel Corp. last week threatened to terminate rights granted to rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. under a patent cross-licensing deal, …
Intel reaffirmed on Friday that it was readying new ultra-low-voltage chips, due in the second quarter, for inexpensive ultraportable laptops. …
Chip maker Intel sent a notice to rival Advanced Micro Devices that it violated a patent cross-licensing agreement when it …