F5 launches cloud-based WAF service in EMEA

During F5 EMEA’s Agility 2015 conference in Edinburgh, F5 Networks has launched a new cloud-delivered managed service in EMEA to defend against web application attacks and ensure compliance across dynamic cloud and data centre environments.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson adds hybrid cloud developer tools

IBM Watson has begun rolling out new hybrid cloud capabilities that will integrate IBM Cloud with a growing number of cognitive computing and content analytics services in the Watson Zone on Bluemix, IBM’s open standards-based cloud innovation platform.

Huawei to host Dubai Cloud Conference

Huawei is set to welcome hundreds of partners, businesses and industry analysts to its first ever “Huawei Cloud Conference in the Middle East” taking place from May 12-13 at the prestigious Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, UAE.

Injazat expands secure cloud offering

Injazat Data Systems has announced further enhancements in the areas of enterprise cloud solutions to address the growing demand by businesses across the Middle East looking to adopt advanced cloud technologies

VMware launches vCloud for NFV

VMware has entered the network function virtualisation market with a platform that lets service providers run their network functions as virtualised applications from different vendors.


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