The popularity of netbooks has been so appealing that Chinese PC powerhouse Lenovo is weighing in on the options of …

The popularity of netbooks has been so appealing that Chinese PC powerhouse Lenovo is weighing in on the options of …
Fifty percent of IT executives say their data centers are understaffed, and companies are still looking for more ways to …
The popularity of netbooks has been so appealing that Chinese PC powerhouse Lenovo is weighing in on the options of …
Google is opening up its Docs hosted office productivity suite so that users can store any type of file in …
Jaspersoft Corp. announced a new version of its open-source BI software on Tuesday aimed at paying enterprises, trumpeting its momentum …
Fifty percent of IT executives say their data centers are understaffed, and companies are still looking for more ways to …
Annus horribilis. Probably, that term best describes the bygone year for the tech industry, which was plagued by flagging sales …
Microsoft doesn't have a business model problem in the mobile market, but its phones are skewed toward business users at …
Technology behemoth HP has identified 'converged infrastructure architecture' as the next trend in the building of future data centres. This …
The new Nexus One Googlephone may be just the tip of the iceberg. While most of the coverage has focused …
Follow the IT money in 2010, and it will lead to yet more projects designed to cut the cost of …
As enterprise IT managers face ever-more complex environments that require advanced management technologies, more and more companies usually not mentioned …
The writing is on the wall. Despite a major push to sell the much-maligned Windows Vista, customers aren’t buying. Nearly …
Pent-up demand for new projects. Veteran employees leaving the company. Who could complain about such pressures in the waning months …
There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that IT jobs took a disproportionately high hit in job …
Pent-up demand for new projects. Veteran employees leaving the company. Who could complain about such pressures in the waning months …
The writing is on the wall. Despite a major push to sell the much-maligned Windows Vista, customers aren't buying. Nearly …
Microsoft may be bringing Xbox LIVE to Windows Mobile devices perhaps as early as the launch of Windows Mobile 7 …
IBM said this month it will offer the open source system EyeOS on its latest batch of mainframes. EyeOS is …
Microsoft may be bringing Xbox LIVE to Windows Mobile devices perhaps as early as the launch of Windows Mobile 7 …