5 enterprise software predictions for 2016

Software is the backbone of IT in the digital age, touching almost every aspect of our lives. So what does the future hold for one of the hottest industries in the world? Here, experts from Skyport Systems, Ceridian, Tasktop and Travel Tripper share their opinions on what to expect in 2016.


Enterprise Security IT Software Management Big Data Enterprise Group Business White paperState of security operations 2016 2016 report of capabilities …

HP Enterprise

Accelerating Next Time to value defines success in today’s global markets. You speed time to value by continuously delivering and …

Digital defence

Matt Gyde, Dimension Data’s Group Executive, Security Business Unit, outlines key IT cyber-security trends to look out for in this year.

AMD launches Opteron A1100 SoC

AMD marks a major step towards delivering choice and innovation in the data centre with the launch of the AMD Opteron A1100 System-on-Chip (SoC), formerly codenamed ‘Seattle’.

Diving into the data flood

Virtually every kind of company will eventually have to become a data-driven enterprise. It’s a matter of competition. Here, experts share strategies for making the most of IoT data.


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