Abu Dhabi business dispute court goes online

Through the new platform residents can file documents and receive SMS notifications pertaining to progress of their case and changes to the digital court file. Electronic evidence bundles are included in the court file at no additional cost to any party, and court hearings are conducted through video conferencing, accessed via an integrated calendar.

Infoblox addresses DNS cybersecurity blind spot

Infoblox has announced significant enhancements to its ActiveTrust Cloud offering that now leverages advanced analytics to expand detection of potential zero day threats and prevent the loss of data, adds the ability to distribute threat intelligence to other security products in the network and ensures that content on the network conforms to corporate policies.

Value Journal | Issue 21

Value Journal | Issue 21

The two centres will deliver Microsoft Cloud services from data centres located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Biometrics: a security bane or boon?

Biometric security, whether fingerprint, facial or iris recognition, is fast emerging as the preferred way to safeguard the data of companies and individuals from threat actors. However, while biometric identification may be less prone to theft and spoofing than passwords, it’s still vulnerable to hacking.

Social media makes data analysis a challenge, says expert

“Social media is now polluted with fake news and reflects inaccurate reality of public opinion. Data analysis is a challenge since we are dealing with Cloud Computing and Big Data that forces diplomats to determine their messages through only numbers,” said Dr. Mohammed Ayish, Head of the Mass Communication Department at the American University of Sharjah.


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